During the 1980’s and 1990’s, there was increased pressure on government to formally recognize and support individuals in society who were victimized. Over the years, there has been significant increases in the number of programs and services for victims of crimes and their families funded by the government. These services include police-based victim services and community-based victims services.
Police-based victim services programs are operated in partnership with provincial government, local government, police forces and non-profit agencies. As programs for victims of crime expanded, issues within the police-based victim services sector emerged concerning program funding, the training of staff – both volunteers and paid, as well as the need to advocate “behind the scenes” for improvements to the services and rights of victims, witnesses and their families.
It was this need for a common, united voice, that the B.C. Association of Police-Affiliated Victim-Witness Services (the Association) emerged. In 1985, the Association was incorporated and became a registered charity. The association underwent a formal named change in 1997 and is now known as Police Victim Services of British Columbia or PVSBC.
As a provincial association, PVSBC provides feedback on legislations and service delivery issues as well as regional concerns to the following agencies: