Need Help

If you are in immediate DANGER or fear for your safety, please CALL 911. If your community does not have a 911 service: Look for your local police emergency phone number on the first page of your phone book under ‘Emergency’.

Police-based victim services programs can be found in communities across BC. To find a service in your community, search the PVSBC Program Directory.

If you are not in immediate danger, call VictimLink BC at 1-800-563-0808 for information about all services available to you throughout BC. VictimLink can help you find out what services exist in your community and how to contact them. VictimLink is a toll-free, province-wide help line, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week that offers services in over 100 languages, including many North American Aboriginal languages. VictimLink can provide you with information and referral services, and immediate crisis support to all victims of crime.

Victim Safety

Offender Under the Supervision of BC Corrections

(Offender on bail, awaiting trial, on probation, sentence of under 2 years)

The Victim Safety Unit provides information to victims when the accused or offender is supervised by B.C. Corrections. This can include when the accused has been released on bail and is required to report to a bail supervisor, the accused is held in jail awaiting trial, the accused has been sentenced to probation, or the accused has been sentenced to a jail term of under 2-years.

Some information may also be provided to persons protected by a Family Relations Act restraining order.

Victims of crime or persons protected by a Family Law Act protection order who have significant safety concerns can register to receive notification about the status of an adult accused/offender being supervised by BC Corrections.  By registering for notification victims may be provided with on-going information about the status of an accused or an offender, including whether or not they are currently in provincial jail, when they may get out of provincial jail, what community they may be in, and what conditions the accused or offender may have to follow.

For more information on victim notification, please visit the BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General page.

Offender in Federal Custody

(Sentence of 2-Years or More)

An offender sent to jail for two or more years will be held in a federal Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) facility. CSC and the Parole Board of Canada (PBC) notify registered victims of offenders under federal jurisdiction. Victims must register to receive notification from CSC and PBC.

CSC and PBC have a team dedicated to victim services. As a registered victim, the CSC Victim Services team will keep you up to date on what happens with the offender during their sentence.  PBC Communications Officers provide information and support to victims withing to attend their offender’s parole hearing(s) as observers.  Both CSC Victim Services and PBC Communications Officers will also address any safety concerns you may have.

Victims wishing to receive information must register with the PBC or the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) to receive information (known as victim notification). Because the PBC and CSC jointly coordinate their victim services, victims may submit a Request for Victim Registration form to either organization. PBC contact information is located below.

Correctional Service of Canada, Victim Services
Parole Board of Canada, Victims of Crime

Victims’ Rights

Financial Benefits for Victims of Crime

Some Other Helpful Information